Winterization and Storage Rates
Outside Storage
Including Hoist and Launch
Including Hoist and Launch
- Up to 24’: $16.00/ft
- 25’ to 32’: $17.00/ft
- 33’ & UP: $18.00/ft
Boats Trailered In And Out
Boats Trailered In And Out
- Up to 24’: $14.00/ft
- 25’ to 32’: $15.00/ft
- 33’ & UP: $16.00/ft
Inside Storage
Including Hoist and Launch
Including Hoist and Launch
- Up to 19: $26.00/ft
- 20' to 24: $28.00/ft
- 25' to 28: $34.00/ft
- 29' to 33: $39.00/ft
- 34' to 36: $46.00/ft
- 37' to 39: $48.00/ft
- 40' to 44: $51.00/ft
- 45' to 48: $54.00/ft
- 49' and Up: $55.00/ft
Add 2ft to the length for a bow pulpit and/or swim platform on all boats stored inside. Blocking fees include stands, blocks, equipment, usage, and labor:
Up to 29’ - $87.00,30’ to 39’ - $120.00, 40’ and Up - $175.00
Boats Trailered In And Out
Boats Trailered In And Out
- Up to 19: $23.00/ft
- 20' to 24: $26.00/ft
- 25' to 28: $32.00/ft
- 29' to 33: $37.00/ft
Add 2ft to the length for a bow pulpit and/or swim platform on all boats stored inside. Blocking fees include stands, blocks, equipment, usage, and labor:
Up to 29’ - $87.00,30’ to 39’ - $120.00, 40’ and Up - $175.00
Personal Water Crafts
Personal Water Crafts
- With trailer: $395.00
- Double with trailer: $595.00
Pressure Wash
Bottom Pressure Wash
Bottom Pressure Wash
- Up to 23': $50.00
- 24' to 30: $60.00
- 31' to 39': $80.00
- 40' and UP: $115.00
- PWC: $30.00
Acid Wash and Scrub
Acid Wash and Scrub
- Up to 23': $330.00
- 24' to 30: $440.00
- 31' to 39': $550.00
- 40' and UP: Quote
- PWC: $200.00
Warning: sponsons may discolor, prices may be higher for boats not acid washed annually
Boat Winterization
Per Unit Pricing
Per Unit Pricing
- Inboard Engines - includes antifreeze, fuel stabilizer, fogging: $265.00
- I/O Engines - includes antifreeze, fuel stabilizer, fogging: $240.00
- Outboard Engines (on boat): $140.00
- Personal Watercraft: $115.00
- Generator - including antifreeze: $135.00
- Air Conditioners: $110.00
- Ice Maker: $110.00
- Wash Down Systems or Bait well or Live well (each): $95.00
- Outdrive Lock (MerCruiser, OMC Cobra, Volvo) installed: $70.00
- Washer / Dryer: $110.00
Please Note: All batteries must be removed and should be charged over the winter.
Any boat delivered for storage with a holding tank in need of pumping and flushing will be charged $250.00
Fresh Water System
Fresh Water System
- Up to 24: $110.00
- 25' to 27': $135.00
- 28' to 30': $160.00
- 31' to 39': $180.00
- 40' to 44': $220.00
- 45' and Up: $245.00
- Head and Holding Tank Winterization: $130.00
Please Note: All batteries must be removed and should be charged over the winter.
Any boat delivered for storage with a holding tank in need of pumping and flushing will be charged $250.00
2024 Storage Specials
- Up To 19' Outside Storage, Shrinkwrap, Winterization*: $695.00
- 20' To 22' Outside Storage, Shrinkwrap, Winterization*: $880.00
- 23' To 25' Outside Storage, Shrinkwrap, Winterization*: $1200.00
Winterization Includes: One Engine, Fresh Water System, Blocking, and Head and Holding Tank.
Grenset and A/C are not included